I have had the advantage of gleaning wisdom from others. 'Everything in life is a tradeoff', 'choose your battles', and 'how you manage your money is more important than how much money you have' are just a few of those jewels. One of the best that I heard, and thankfully practiced, was to make sacrifices while you are young.
Now that I am middle aged, I am grateful for simple comforts that I did not enjoy in earlier years. I drove a car without air conditioning, while pregnant and living in a humid coastal area. I used old-school cloth diapers while working outside the home. Back in the day, diaper pins and rubber pants accompanied this chore.
When you are young, there is more energy for all tasks. Thinking on your feet comes naturally. Multitasking is a given. Each day may bring unexpected challenges but no problem, that is just a minor bump in the road. But those days pass quickly and before you know it, the next phase of life is upon you.
Thank goodness I made sacrifices along the way. Budgeting for a baby's repeated ear infection was hard, but necessary. I remember rocking crying infants during the night, knowing the routine once the pediatrician's office opened. Call for the earliest available appointment. Be thankful there was enough money in the checking account to pay the full office visit. Be even more thankful that enough was left to pay the drugstore's dispensing. Self file both out-of-pocket expenses with my insurance company. Wait for weeks and weeks to be reimbursed. Celebrate the occasional correct amount!
Predicting an out-of-town funeral was not possible, but this happened to me at least eight times. The emotional upheaval was hard enough. Additional stress of no travel money would have been almost unbearable. There were numerous other emergencies that required immediate attention. While they were difficult, they were at least manageable since I was a former younger and more energetic version of myself.
My emergencies still occur, but with one huge difference. I do not have the same amount of energy that I once enjoyed. I also have less functioning brain cells to think clearly with. The number is fast approaching the level where my children are fearful that I will forget my full legal name. Thankfully I can somewhat manage because I made sacrifices when I was younger. I might be able today to do those things I managed 30 years ago. Sure I could. They just could not be done all at once, such as on the same day. I doubt I could accomplish in a week what I used to routinely finish in one day.
There is not an outlined manual or prescription for an easy life. There is, however, a simple formula to make one's life easier in later years. It is not rocket science or brain surgery. It is a combination of common sense and a strong work ethic. Prepare for the inevitable because it will happen. Not if, but when. Memorize the previous two sentences, especially the shorter one. Don't forget to make those sacrifices while you are young.
Did I mention disposable diaper advancements? When my oldest child was being potty trained, companies advertised their latest and greatest improvement. Gathered pleats at the baby's legs would prevent leaks! I grow tired at the thought of those long-ago years. Once again, I am thankful I made sacrifices when I was young.
......article by Wendi Meredith
The Bluestone Review 2010 edition
Bluefield College's Literary Magazine